###################################################################### # Automatically generated by qmake (1.07a) Sat May 22 15:57:15 2004 ###################################################################### CONFIG = qt warn_on thread include (../../config.pro) message(Core : Builing Makefile with the following config flags : $$CONFIG) TEMPLATE = lib INCLUDEPATH += . types ../contrib/frei0r/spec composite QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON = -Wno-non-virtual-dtor #mac macx:INCLUDEPATH += /Developer/Headers/FlatCarbon macx:LIBS += /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation macx:LIBS += /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Carbon macx:LIBS += -lz macx:LIBS += -framework OpenGL -framework CoreAudio -framework CoreMidi macx:QMAKE_LFLAGS_SONAME = -Wl,-install_name,lib/ macx:QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -D__MACOSX_CORE__ #linux unix:!macx:LIBS += -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lGL -lasound -lpthread unix:!macx:QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -D__LINUX_ALSASEQ__ TARGET = droneCore DESTDIR = ../../lib/ HEADERS += config.h \ error.h \ Array.h \ Array2D.h \ CircularBuffer.h \ ColorSpace.h \ Connection.h \ DroneCore.h \ Engine.h \ Gear.h \ GearFrei0r.h \ types/AbstractType.h \ types/AreaArrayType.h \ types/AreaType.h \ types/StringType.h \ types/OscMessageType.h \ types/ValueType.h \ types/VideoRGBAType.h \ types/SignalType.h \ types/DisplaceGrid.h \ types/ArrayType.h \ types/Array2DType.h \ types/VideoChannelType.h \ types/VideoBinaryType.h \ types/PaletteRGBAType.h \ types/EnumType.h \ GearClassification.h \ GearInfo.h \ GearConverter.h \ GearMaker.h \ MathUtil.h \ Media.h \ MediaPool.h \ MediaMovie.h \ MetaGear.h \ MidiEngine.h \ Node.h \ AbstractPlug.h \ Plug.h \ Project.h \ Rasterer.h \ Random.h \ SummedAreaTable.h \ Schema.h \ SchemaTopoSort.h \ SignalInfo.h \ StringUtils.h \ TextureGl.h \ ThreadUtil.h \ Timing.h \ Typedefs.h \ Utils.h \ VideoInfo.h \ XMLHelper.h \ RtMidi/RtMidi.h \ RtMidi/RtError.h \ composite/Composite.h \ composite/CompositeGeneric.h \ composite/AlphaComposite.h SOURCES += error.cpp \ Connection.cpp \ DroneCore.cpp \ Engine.cpp \ Gear.cpp \ GearFrei0r.cpp \ types/AreaType.cpp \ types/EnumType.cpp \ types/VideoChannelType.cpp \ types/VideoRGBAType.cpp \ types/ValueType.cpp \ types/StringType.cpp \ GearInfo.cpp \ GearMaker.cpp \ MathUtil.cpp \ MediaPool.cpp \ MediaMovie.cpp \ MetaGear.cpp \ MidiEngine.cpp \ Node.cpp \ AbstractPlug.cpp \ Project.cpp \ Rasterer.cpp \ Random.cpp \ Schema.cpp \ SchemaTopoSort.cpp \ SignalInfo.cpp \ StringUtils.cpp \ TextureGl.cpp \ Timing.cpp \ VideoInfo.cpp \ XMLHelper.cpp \ RtMidi/RtMidi.cpp \ composite/Composite.cpp \ composite/CompositeGeneric.cpp \ composite/AlphaComposite.cpp agg { INCLUDEPATH += ../../lib/agg23/include ../../lib/agg23/svg LIBS += -L../../lib/agg23/src/ -lagg HEADER += AggWrapper.h types/VectorialType.h SOURCES += AggWrapper.cpp types/VectorialType.cpp }