"") $sSQLLocal = $sSQLLocal."Locaux.CodeL = ".Stripslashes($codeL)." and liensLocal = ".$liensLocal."&codeL=".$codeL.""; if ($Nom <> "") $sSQLLocal= $sSQLLocal."Locaux.Nom Like '".StripSlashes($Nom)."%' and liensLocal = ".$liensLocal."&Nom=".$Nom.""; if ($Discription <> "") $sSQLLocal= $sSQLLocal."Locaux.Discription Like '".Stripslashes($Discription)."%' and liensLocal = ".$liensLocal."&Discription=".$Discription.""; if ($TypeUtilisation <> "") $sSQLLocal = $sSQLLocal."Locaux.TypeUtilisation = '".Stripslashes($TypeUtilisation)."' and liensLocal = ".$liensLocal."&TypeUtilisation=".$Discription.""; /*if Request("StatutLocal") <> "" then sSQLLocal = sSQLLocal & "Locaux.Statut = " & Request("StatutLocal") & " and " liensLocal = liensLocal&"StatutLocal="& Request("StatutLocal") &"&" end if if Request("Capacite") <> "" then sSQLLocal = sSQLLocal & "Locaux.Capacite = '" & RemoveJunk(Request("Capacite")) & "' and " liensLocal = liensLocal&"Capacite="& Request("Capacite") &"&" end if if Request("CoutM") <> "" then sSQLLocal = sSQLLocal & "Locaux.CoutM = '" & RemoveJunk(Request("CoutM")) & "' and " liensLocal = liensLocal&"CoutM="& Request("CoutM") &"&" end if if sSQLLocal = "" then Response.Redirect ("RechercheLocalF.asp") end if */ $strSql = "SELECT count(*) as iNbrNodes FROM Locaux WHERE ".substr(sSQLLocal,0, strlen(sSQLLocal) - 4)." "; $rsQuery = mysql_query($strSql); if (mysql_num_rows($rsQuery) !== 0) $nbrToDisplay = mysql_num_rows($rsQuery); $sSQL = "SELECT * FROM Locaux WHERE ".substr(sSQLLocal, strlen(sSQLLocal) - 4)." order by Nom"; $rsQuery1=mysql_query($sSQL); //'********************************** if ($nbrToDisplay <> "0") { //RS.Open sSQL, Conn, adOpenStatic //$Page_Count = RS.PageCount If (1 > $Current_Page) $Current_Page = 1; If ($Current_Page > $Page_Count) $Current_Page = $Page_Count; $AbsolutePage = $Current_Page; } //iNbrFrom If ($Current_Page ="1"){ $iNbrFrom = 1; $iNbrTo = $Page_Size; } Else{ $iNbrFrom = $Page_Size * ($Current_Page - 1); $iNbrTo = $iNbrFrom + $Page_Size; } $modul = $nbrToDisplay % $Page_Size; if ($modul <> "0"){ $lastpage = (int)($nbrToDisplay/$Page_Size) + 1; $lastpage = (int)($nbrToDisplay/$Page_Size); } //'************************************************** $_COOKIE['Current_PageLocal'] = $Current_Page; $_COOKIE['liensLocal'] = $liensLocal; ?>
"0" then?>
Liste des locaux
"0") { if ($iNbrTo < $nbrToDisplay) echo($iNbrFrom. "à".$iNbrTo."de"."".$nbrToDisplay." enregistrement(s)
"); }else{ echo($iNbrFrom."à".$nbrToDisplay."de ".$nbrToDisplay." enregistrement(s)
Nom Description Modifier Supprimer




1 Then Response.Write "   " & vbCrLf Response.Write "  " & vbCrLf Response.Write " " & vbCrLf End If If Current_Page < Page_Count Then Response.Write "   " & vbCrLf Response.Write "  " & vbCrLf End IF ?>

à de enregistrement(s)
à de enregistrement(s)

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