'session("CodeAdmin") = 4
'session("accesslevel") = 5
''' initiate global vars and constants
dim action
dim b_error, a_errors, error_list, a_msg, msg_list
dim cmd, rs, rsselect, sql, do_search, a_records
''' instantiate error handling and messaging
set error_list = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
set msg_list = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
on error resume next
if err.number <> 0 then response.redirect "error.asp"
on error goto 0
''' command object
set cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
cmd.ActiveConnection = cn
''' recordset object
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
''' set locale identifier - default is US English
''' (http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/script56/html/vsmsclcid.asp)
session.lcid = 1033
sub display_errs
' display content of the error dictionary object
if error_list.count > 0 then
''' display errors
a_errors = error_list.items
for i = 0 to error_list.count - 1
response.write "
" & a_errors(i) & "
end if
end sub
sub display_msg
' displays msgs after successful database action
':: check if a msg was passed to the page
if request("msg") <> "" then
msg = replace(request("msg"),"://","")
msg = replace(msg,"script","")
msg = replace(msg,"%","")
msg = replace(msg,"form","")
msg_list.add "msg",msg
end if
':: display messages
a_msg = msg_list.items
for i = 0 to msg_list.count - 1
response.write "
" & a_msg(i) & "
end sub
function check_security(iLevel)
' authenticates user and verifies access level
if session("CodeAdmin") = "" OR isNull(session("accesslevel")) then
response.redirect("login.asp?ret_page=" & to_url(request.serverVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")&"?"&request.serverVariables("QUERY_STRING")))
elseif session("accesslevel") <> "" then
if cLng(session("accesslevel")) < cLng(iLevel) then response.redirect("login.asp?action=noaccess&ret_page=" & to_url(request.serverVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")&"?"&request.serverVariables("QUERY_STRING")))
CodeAdmin = session("CodeAdmin")
accesslevel = session("accesslevel")
end if
end function
sub do_login
' autheticates user in db and creates session
sql = "SELECT NomU, password FROM Admin WHERE NomU = " & to_sql(NomU,"text") & " AND password = " & to_sql(password,"text") & ""
set rs = user_cn.Execute(sql)
if rs.EOF then
'login failed
error_list.add "login", "Login or password is incorrect."
b_error = true
'login and password passed
sql = "SELECT CodeAdmin, accesslevel FROM Admin WHERE NomU = " & to_sql(NomU,"text") & " AND password = " & to_sql(password,"text") & ""
set rs = user_cn.Execute(sql)
if rs.EOF then
'should never happen
error_list.add "login", "User does not exist."
b_error = true
'login user
session("CodeAdmin") = rs(0)
session("accesslevel") = rs(1)
'add Nom Utilisateur to app dict (global.asa)
if isObject(online_Admin) then online_Admin.item(session.sessionid) = session("CodeAdmin") & "," & NomU
'store last visit date in session, set current date in db
on error resume next
set rs = user_cn.Execute("SELECT dtlast FROM Admin WHERE CodeAdmin = " & to_sql(session("CodeAdmin"),"number"))
session("dtlast") = rs(0)
if err.number = 0 then user_cn.Execute = "UPDATE Admin SET last_ip='" & Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") & "', dtlast = " & to_sql(now,"date") & " WHERE CodeAdmin = " & to_sql(session("CodeAdmin"),"number")
on error goto 0
'where to next?
querystring = request("querystring")
ret_page = request("ret_page")
if (ret_page <> request.serverVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")) AND (ret_page <> "") then
'return to page that preceded login
'go home
end if
end if
end if
end sub
function to_url(strValue)
' make passed paramters url friendly
if IsNull(strValue) then strValue = ""
to_url = Server.URLEncode(strValue)
end function
function to_html(strValue)
' convert and clean string
if IsNull(strValue) then strValue = ""
strValue = Replace(strValue,"<%","<"&chr(37))
strValue = Replace(strValue,"%>",chr(37)&">")
strValue = Replace(strValue,"<script","","</script>",1)
to_sql = "'" & Replace(Value, "'", "''") & "'"
elseif inStr(Value,".") then
to_sql = Value
to_sql = cLng(Value)
end if
end function
function strip_html(str_html)
' removes html tags from str_html
dim objRegExp, str_output
set objRegExp = new Regexp
objRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
objRegExp.Global = True
objRegExp.Pattern = "<(.|\n)+?>"
str_output = objRegExp.Replace(str_html, "")
str_output = Replace(str_output, "<", "<")
str_output = Replace(str_output, ">", ">")
strip_html = str_output
set objRegExp = Nothing
end function
function get_options(sql,selected_value)
' displays option tags for a select list
'response.write sql
if isNull(selected_value) then selected_value = ""
set rsSelect = cn.Execute(sql)
do until rsSelect.EOF
if not isNull(rsSelect(0)) then
get_options = get_options + "" & vbCRLF & chr(9) & chr(9)
end if
end function
function is_reserved(strValue)
' compare a string with a list of vb and sql reserved words
reserved_words = "|and||as||boolean||byref||byte||byval||call||case||class||const||currency||date||desc||debug||dim||do||double||each||else||elseif||empty||end||endif||enum||eqv||event||exit||false||for||function||get||goto||if||imp||implements||in||integer||is||let||like||long||loop||lset||me||mod||new||next||not||nothing||null||on||option||optional||or||paramarray||preserve||private||public||raiseevent||redim||rem||resume||rows||rset||select||set||shared||single||size||static||stop||sub||then||to||true||type||typeof||until||variant||wend||while||with||xor|"
if inStr(reserved_words,"|" & lcase(strValue) & "|") > 0 then
is_reserved = true
is_reserved = false
end if
end function
':: correct secure urls :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
': this section assures that user does not persist in
': ssl (https://) mode. only pages in the application
': secure_pages variable (global.asa) will stay in https.
if request.servervariables("https") = "on" then
': list of pages where https is permitted
secure_list = application("secure_pages")
this_page = request.servervariables("script_name")
a_tmp = split(secure_list, ",")
for ctr = 0 to uBound(a_tmp)
if instr(this_page,trim(a_tmp(ctr))) > 0 then
'' this page should be secure
b_redirect = false
exit for
b_redirect = true
end if
if b_redirect then response.redirect "http://" & request.servervariables("server_name") & request.servervariables("script_name")
end if