echo $vocab["deletefollowing"] . ":
for ($i = 0; ($row = sql_row($res, $i)); $i++)
echo "- $row[0] (";
echo time_date_string($row[1],$dformat) . " -> ";
echo time_date_string($row[2],$dformat) . ")";
echo "
echo "";
echo "" . $vocab["sure"] . "
echo "";
echo "";
if($type == "area")
// Seul l'admin peut supprimer un domaine
if(authGetUserLevel(getUserName(),$room) < 5)
showAccessDenied($day, $month, $year, $area,$back);
# We are only going to let them delete an area if there are
# no rooms. its easier
$n = sql_query1("select count(*) from grr_room where area_id=$area");
if ($n == 0)
# OK, nothing there, lets blast it away
sql_command("delete from grr_area where id=$area");
# Redirect back to the admin page
header("Location: admin_room.php");
# There are rooms left in the area
# print the page header
print_header("","","","",$type="with_session", $page="admin");
echo $vocab['delarea'];
echo "" . $vocab['back'] . "";