". function cmp3($a, $b) { if ($a < $b) return "< "; if ($a == $b) return "= "; return "> "; } # print the page header print_header($day, $month, $year, $area, $type_session); if (empty($area)) $area = get_default_area(); if (empty($room)) $room = sql_query1("select min(id) from grr_room where area_id=$area"); # Note $room will be -1 if there are no rooms; this is checked for below. # Month view start time. This ignores morningstarts/eveningends because it # doesn't make sense to not show all entries for the day, and it messes # things up when entries cross midnight. $month_start = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year); # What column the month starts in: 0 means $weekstarts weekday. $weekday_start = (date("w", $month_start) - $weekstarts + 7) % 7; $days_in_month = date("t", $month_start); $month_end = mktime(23, 59, 59, $month, $days_in_month, $year); $this_area_name = ""; $this_room_name = ""; // Si format imprimable ($_GET['pview'] = 1), on n'affiche pas cette partie if ($_GET['pview'] != 1) { #Table avec areas, rooms, minicals. echo "\n"; #Draw the three month calendars minicals($year, $month, $day, $area, $room, 'month_all'); echo "
"; if (isset($_SESSION['default_list_type']) or ($authentification_obli==1)) { $area_list_format = $_SESSION['default_list_type']; } else { $area_list_format = getSettingValue("area_list_format"); } # show either a select box or the normal html list if ($area_list_format != "list") { echo make_area_select_html('month_all.php', $area, $year, $month, $day, $session_login); # from functions.inc.php } else { echo make_area_list_html('month_all.php', $area, $year, $month, $day, $session_login); # from functions.inc.php } echo "
\n"; } $this_area_name = sql_query1("select area_name from grr_area where id=$area"); $this_room_name = sql_query1("select room_name from grr_room where id=$room"); $this_room_name_des = sql_query1("select description from grr_room where id=$room"); # Don't continue if this area has no rooms: if ($room <= 0) { echo "


"; include "trailer.inc.php"; exit; } # Show Month, Year, Area, Room header: if (($this_room_name_des) and ($this_room_name_des!="-1")) { $this_room_name_des = " (".$this_room_name_des.")"; } else { $this_room_name_des = ""; } echo "

" . ucfirst(strftime("%B %Y", $month_start)) . " - ".ucfirst($this_area_name)." - ".$vocab["all_areas"]."

\n"; # Show Go to month before and after links #y? are year and month of the previous month. #t? are year and month of the next month. $i= mktime(0,0,0,$month-1,1,$year); $yy = date("Y",$i); $ym = date("n",$i); $i= mktime(0,0,0,$month+1,1,$year); $ty = date("Y",$i); $tm = date("n",$i); // Si format imprimable ($_GET['pview'] = 1), on n'affiche pas cette partie if ($_GET['pview'] != 1) { echo "
<< $vocab[monthbefore]   $vocab[monthafter] >>
"; } if ($debug_flag) echo "

DEBUG: month=$month year=$year start=$weekday_start range=$month_start:$month_end\n"; # Used below: localized "all day" text but with non-breaking spaces: $all_day = ereg_replace(" ", " ", $vocab["all_day"]); #Get all meetings for this month in the room that we care about # row[0] = Start time # row[1] = End time # row[2] = Entry ID # row[3] = Entry name (brief description) # row[4] = creator of the booking $sql = "SELECT start_time, end_time, grr_entry.id, name, create_by, room_name FROM grr_entry inner join grr_room on grr_entry.room_id=grr_room.id WHERE (start_time <= $month_end AND end_time > $month_start and area_id='".$area."') ORDER by start_time, end_time, grr_room.room_name"; # Build an array of information about each day in the month. # The information is stored as: # d[monthday]["id"][] = ID of each entry, for linking. # d[monthday]["data"][] = "start-stop" times of each entry. $res = sql_query($sql); if (! $res) echo sql_error(); else for ($i = 0; ($row = sql_row($res, $i)); $i++) { $sql_creator = "SELECT prenom, nom FROM grr_utilisateurs WHERE login = '$row[4]'"; $res_creator = sql_query($sql_creator); if ($res_creator) $row_user = sql_row($res_creator, 0); if ($debug_flag) echo "
DEBUG: result $i, id $row[2], starts $row[0], ends $row[1]\n"; # Fill in data for each day during the month that this meeting covers. # Note: int casts on database rows for min and max is needed for PHP3. $t = max((int)$row[0], $month_start); $end_t = min((int)$row[1], $month_end); $day_num = date("j", $t); $midnight = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day_num, $year); while ($t < $end_t) { if ($debug_flag) echo "
DEBUG: Entry $row[2] day $day_num\n"; $d[$day_num]["id"][] = $row[2]; $d[$day_num]["who"][] = $row[3]." - ".$vocab["created_by"].$row_user[0]." ".$row_user[1]; $d[$day_num]["who1"][] = $row[3]; $d[$day_num]["room"][]=$row[5] ; $midnight_tonight = $midnight + 86400; # Describe the start and end time, accounting for "all day" # and for entries starting before/ending after today. # There are 9 cases, for start time < = or > midnight this morning, # and end time < = or > midnight tonight. # Use ~ (not -) to separate the start and stop times, because MSIE # will incorrectly line break after a -. switch (cmp3($row[0], $midnight) . cmp3($row[1], $midnight_tonight)) { case "> < ": # Starts after midnight, ends before midnight case "= < ": # Starts at midnight, ends before midnight $d[$day_num]["data"][] = date(hour_min_format(), $row[0]) . "~" . date(hour_min_format(), $row[1]); break; case "> = ": # Starts after midnight, ends at midnight $d[$day_num]["data"][] = date(hour_min_format(), $row[0]) . "~24:00"; break; case "> > ": # Starts after midnight, continues tomorrow $d[$day_num]["data"][] = date(hour_min_format(), $row[0]) . "~====>"; break; case "= = ": # Starts at midnight, ends at midnight $d[$day_num]["data"][] = $all_day; break; case "= > ": # Starts at midnight, continues tomorrow $d[$day_num]["data"][] = $all_day . "====>"; break; case "< < ": # Starts before today, ends before midnight $d[$day_num]["data"][] = "<====~" . date(hour_min_format(), $row[1]); break; case "< = ": # Starts before today, ends at midnight $d[$day_num]["data"][] = "<====" . $all_day; break; case "< > ": # Starts before today, continues tomorrow $d[$day_num]["data"][] = "<====" . $all_day . "====>"; break; } # Only if end time > midnight does the loop continue for the next day. if ($row[1] <= $midnight_tonight) break; $day_num++; $t = $midnight = $midnight_tonight; } } if ($debug_flag) { echo "

DEBUG: Array of month day data:

    for ($i = 1; $i <= $days_in_month; $i++)
        if (isset($d[$i]["id"]))
            $n = count($d[$i]["id"]);
            echo "Day $i has $n entries:\n";
            for ($j = 0; $j < $n; $j++)
                echo "  ID: " . $d[$i]["id"][$j] .
                    " Data: " . $d[$i]["data"][$j] . "\n";
    echo "
\n"; } echo "\n"; # Weekday name header row: for ($weekcol = 0; $weekcol < 7; $weekcol++) { echo ""; } echo "\n"; # Skip days in week before start of month: for ($weekcol = 0; $weekcol < $weekday_start; $weekcol++) { echo "\n"; } # Draw the days of the month: for ($cday = 1; $cday <= $days_in_month; $cday++) { if ($weekcol == 0) echo "\n"; echo "\n"; if (++$weekcol == 7) $weekcol = 0; } # Skip from end of month to end of week: if ($weekcol > 0) for (; $weekcol < 7; $weekcol++) { echo "\n"; } echo "
" . day_name(($weekcol + $weekstarts)%7) . "
\n"; # Anything to display for this day? if (isset($d[$cday]["id"][0])) { echo ""; $n = count($d[$cday]["id"]); # Show the start/stop times, 2 per line, linked to view_entry. # If there are 12 or fewer, show them, else show 11 and "...". for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { if ($i == 11 && $n > 12) { echo " ...\n"; break; } echo ""; echo "". $d[$cday]["data"][$i] . "
" . htmlspecialchars($d[$cday]["room"][$i]) . "
" . "" . htmlspecialchars($d[$cday]["who1"][$i]) . "

"; } echo "
"; } echo "
\n"; include "trailer.inc.php"; ?>