= 3)) { $upd1 = "update grr_entry set statut_entry='-' where room_id = '".$room_id."'"; if (sql_command($upd1) < 0) return 0; $upd2 = "update grr_entry set statut_entry='$statut_id' where id = '".$id."'"; if (sql_command($upd2) < 0) return 0; header("Location: ".$_GET['back'].""); } } $back = str_replace("&display_message=yes", "", $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); // Recherche des infos liée à la réservation $sql = " SELECT grr_entry.name, grr_entry.description, grr_entry.create_by, grr_room.room_name, grr_area.area_name, grr_entry.type, grr_entry.room_id, grr_entry.repeat_id, " . sql_syntax_timestamp_to_unix("grr_entry.timestamp") . ", (grr_entry.end_time - grr_entry.start_time), grr_entry.start_time, grr_entry.end_time, grr_area.id, grr_entry.statut_entry FROM grr_entry, grr_room, grr_area WHERE grr_entry.room_id = grr_room.id AND grr_room.area_id = grr_area.id AND grr_entry.id=$id "; $res = sql_query($sql); if (! $res) fatal_error(0, sql_error()); if(sql_count($res) < 1) fatal_error(0, $vocab['invalid_entry_id']); $row = sql_row($res, 0); sql_free($res); $name = htmlspecialchars($row[0]); $description = htmlspecialchars($row[1]); $create_by = htmlspecialchars($row[2]); $room_name = htmlspecialchars($row[3]); $area_name = htmlspecialchars($row[4]); $type = $row[5]; $room_id = $row[6]; $repeat_id = $row[7]; $updated = time_date_string($row[8],$dformat); $duration = $row[9]; $start_date = time_date_string($row[10],$dformat); $end_date = time_date_string($row[11],$dformat); $area = $row[12]; $statut_id = $row[13]; $rep_type = 0; if((authGetUserLevel(getUserName(),-1) < 1) and ($authentification_obli==1)) { showAccessDenied($day, $month, $year, $area,$back); exit(); } if(authUserAccesArea($session_login, $area)==0) { showAccessDenied($day, $month, $year, $area,$back); exit(); } #If we dont know the right date then make it up if(!isset($day) or !isset($month) or !isset($year)) { $day = date("d"); $month = date("m"); $year = date("Y"); } $date_now = mktime(); $page = isset($_GET["page"]) ? $_GET["page"] : NULL; print_header($day, $month, $year, $area, $type_session); // Nom, prénom et email du créateur de la réser $sql = "select nom, prenom, email from grr_utilisateurs where login='$create_by'"; $res = sql_query($sql); if ($res) $row_user_login = sql_row($res, 0); if($repeat_id != 0) { $res = sql_query("SELECT rep_type, end_date, rep_opt, rep_num_weeks FROM grr_repeat WHERE id=$repeat_id"); if (! $res) fatal_error(0, sql_error()); if (sql_count($res) == 1) { $row = sql_row($res, 0); $rep_type = $row[0]; $rep_end_date = strftime($dformat,$row[1]); $rep_opt = $row[2]; $rep_num_weeks = $row[3]; } sql_free($res); } toTimeString($duration, $dur_units); $repeat_key = "rep_type_" . $rep_type; # Now that we know all the data we start drawing it ?>
".$row_user_login[1]." ".$row_user_login[0].""; ?> | |
$vocab[rep_num_weeks] $vocab[rep_for_nweekly] | $rep_num_weeks | \n"; } if($opt) echo "
$vocab[rep_rep_day] | $opt |
$vocab[rep_end_date] | $rep_end_date |
} ?>
= 3)) {
echo "