<?php include "../include/validsession.inc"; include "../include/opendb.inc"; include "../include/functions.php"; if (isset($_REQUEST["liensLocal"])) $liensLocal = $_REQUEST["liensLocal"]; else $liensLocal=""; if (isset($_REQUEST["sSQLLocal"])) $sSQLLocal = $_REQUEST["sSQLLocal"]; else $sSQLLocal=""; if (isset($_REQUEST["CodeE"])) $CodeE = $_REQUEST["CodeE"]; else $CodeE=""; if (isset($_REQUEST["Nom"])) $Nom = $_REQUEST["Nom"]; else $Nom=""; if (isset($_REQUEST["Discription"])) $Discription = $_REQUEST["Discription"]; else $Discription=""; if (isset($_REQUEST["TypeUtilisation"])) $TypeUtilisation = $_REQUEST["TypeUtilisation"]; else $TypeUtilisation=""; if (isset($_REQUEST["StatutLocal"])) $StatutLocal = $_REQUEST["StatutLocal"]; else $StatutLocal=""; if (isset($_REQUEST["Capacite"])) $Capacite = $_REQUEST["Capacite"]; else $Capacite=""; if (isset($_REQUEST["CoutM"])) $CoutM= $_REQUEST["CoutM"]; else $CoutM=""; if (isset($_REQUEST["Cout"])) $Cout= $_REQUEST["Cout"]; else $Cout=""; /*************** Recherche *************************************************/ if ($CodeE <> ""){ $sSQLLocal = $sSQLLocal . "equipements.CodeE = ".Stripslashes($CodeE)." and "; $liensLocal = $liensLocal."CodeE=".$CodeE."&"; } if ($Nom <> "") { $sSQLLocal= $sSQLLocal."equipements.Nom Like '".StripSlashes($Nom)."%' and "; $liensLocal = $liensLocal."Nom=".$Nom."&"; } if ($Discription <> "") { $sSQLLocal= $sSQLLocal."equipements.Description Like '".Stripslashes($Discription)."%' and "; $liensLocal = $liensLocal."Description=".$Discription."&"; } if ($TypeUtilisation <> ""){ $sSQLLocal = $sSQLLocal."equipements.TypeUtilisation Like '".Stripslashes($TypeUtilisation)."%' and "; $liensLocal = $liensLocal."TypeUtilisation=".$TypeUtilisation."&"; } if ($StatutLocal <> "" ) { $sSQLLocal = $sSQLLocal."equipements.Statut = '".Stripslashes($StatutLocal)."' and "; $liensLocal = $liensLocal."StatutLocal=".$StatutLocal."&" ; } if ($Capacite <> "" ) { $sSQLLocal = $sSQLLocal."equipements.Capacite = " .$Capacite. " and "; $liensLocal = $liensLocal."Capacite=".$Capacite."&"; } if ($Cout <> "" ) { $sSQLLocal = $sSQLLocal ."equipements.Cout = ".$Cout. " and "; $liensLocal = $liensLocal."Cout=".$Cout."&"; } if ($CoutM <> "" ) { $sSQLLocal = $sSQLLocal ."equipements.CoutM = ".$CoutM. " and "; $liensLocal = $liensLocal."CoutM=".$CoutM."&"; } if ($sSQLLocal == "") header("Location: RechercheEquipementF.php"); if (isset( $_REQUEST["p"]) ) $p = $_REQUEST["p"]; else $p ="1 "; $liensLocal = $liensLocal."p=".$p.""; setcookie('cookie_lienslocal', $liensLocal, (time() + 3600)); $url = "RechercheEquipement.php?".substr($liensLocal, 0, strlen($liensLocal) - 4) ; $sSQL = "SELECT * FROM equipements WHERE ".substr($sSQLLocal, 0,strlen($sSQLLocal) - 4)." order by Nom"; $sql=substr($sSQL, 8); $pagine = pagine($sql,10,"p",$url); $rsQuery1 = mysql_query("SELECT * ".$sql); if (!$rsQuery1) { die('Could not query:' . mysql_error()); } if(!isset($rien)) $rien=false; if (mysql_num_rows($rsQuery1)==0) $rien=true; include "../include/top.inc"; /*********************************************Affichage*****************************/ ?> <table> <tr> <td width="5"> </td> <td valign="top" width="738"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="23" rowspan="2"><img src="<? echo $pathimages;?>/images/innertopleft.gif" width="23" height="23"></td> <td bgcolor="#000066" width="1"><img src="<? echo $pathimages;?>/images/clearpix.gif" width="1" height="1"></td> <td width="23" rowspan="2"><img src="<? echo $pathimages;?>/images/innertopright.gif" width="23" height="23"></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td background="<? echo $pathimages;?>/images/leftbg.gif"><img src="<?echo $pathimages;?>/images/clearpix.gif" width="23" height="1"></td> <td width="100%" valign="top"> <table width="680" BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td align="left" width="394"> <table width="683" BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="1"> <tr> <td width="648" valign="top" colspan="4" align="center" class="formtxt"> <b><font color="#000080" size="3"><img border="0" src="../images/bartxt1.gif"> Liste des Equipements</font></b> <br> <br> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="648" valign="top" colspan="4"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="224" valign="top" class="formtxt1" bgcolor="#000080"><b>Nom</b> </td> <td width="277" valign="top" class="formtxt1" bgcolor="#000080"><b>Description</b> </td> <td width="74" valign="top" class="formtxt1" bgcolor="#000080"> <b> Modifier</b> </td> <td width="73" valign="top" class="formtxt1" bgcolor="#000080"> <b> Supprimer</b> </td> </tr> <?$colonne = 1; ?> <? while (($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsQuery1))) { ?> <? if ($colonne == 2) { ?> <tr bgcolor="#DDDDDD"> <td width="224" valign="top" class="formtxt"> <? if ($_SESSION["EquipementM"] == True){ ?><a href="UpdateEquipement.php?CodeE=<? echo $row["CodeE"]; ?>"> <?}?> <? echo $row["Nom"];?> <?if ($_SESSION["EquipementM"] == True){ ?></a><?}?> </td> <td width="277" valign="top" class="formtxt"><? echo $row["Description"]; ?> </td> <td width="74" valign="top" class="formtxt"> <p align="center"> <?if ($_SESSION["EquipementM"] == True) { ?><a href="UpdateEquipement.php?CodeE=<? echo $row["CodeE"]; ?>"><img border="0" src="<? echo $pathimages;?>/images/icon/tree_open.gif"></a><? }?></p> </td> <td width="73" valign="top" align="center"> <?if ($_SESSION["EquipementS"] == True) { ?><img border="0" src="<? echo $pathimages;?>/images/icon/delete.gif" ><?}?> </td> </tr> <? $colonne= 1; }else {?> <tr bgcolor="#F5F5F5"> <td width="224" valign="top" class="formtxt"> <?if ($_SESSION["EquipementM"] == True) { ?><a href="UpdateEquipement.php?CodeE=<? echo $row["CodeE"]; ?>"><? }?><? echo $row["Nom"];?> <?if ($_SESSION["EquipementM"] == True) { ?></a><? } ?> </td> <td width="277" valign="top" class="formtxt"><? echo $row["Description"]; ?> </td> <td width="74" valign="top" class="formtxt"> <p align="center"> <? if ($_SESSION["EquipementM"] == True) { ?><a href="UpdateEquipement.php?CodeE=<? echo $row["CodeE"]; ?>"><img border="0" src="<?echo $pathimages;?>/images/icon/tree_open.gif"></a><? } ?></p> </td> <td width="73" valign="top" align="center"> <?if ($_SESSION["EquipementS"] == True) { ?><img border="0" src="<? echo $pathimages;?>/images/icon/delete.gif" ><?}?> </td> </tr> <? $colonne= 2 ; } ?> <? } //end while La boucle d'affichage des records ?> <tr> <td width="648" valign="top" colspan="8" class="formtxt"> <br> <p align="center" class="formtxt"> <?php echo $pagine; if ($rien) echo "Pas d'Equipement correspondant à votre recherche"; ?> <br><br> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td width"23" background="<? echo $pathimages;?>/images/rightbg1.gif"><img src="<?echo $pathimages;?>/images/clearpix.gif" width="23" height="1"></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="23" rowspan="2"><img src="<? echo $pathimages;?>/images/innerbottomleft.gif" width="23" height="23"></td> <td width="100%"> <p align="center"> </td> <td width="23" rowspan="2"><img src="<? echo $pathimages;?>/images/innerbottomright.gif" width="23" height="23"></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="1" bgcolor="#000066" height="1"><img src="<? echo $pathimages;?>/images/clearpix.gif" width="1" height="1"></td> </tr> </table> <font color="#0000FF"><img src="<? echo $pathimages;?>/images/clearpix.gif" width="1" height="22"></font> </td> <? include "../include/footer.inc"; ?>