= ".$_REQUEST["Age1"].") and (year(date('y-m-j h:i:s') ) - year(Personnes.DDN) <= ".$_REQUEST["Age2"].") ) and "; } if ( (!empty($_REQUEST["Age1"])) && (empty($_REQUEST["Age2"])) ) { $sSQL = $sSQL."( year(date('y-m-j h:i:s') ) - year(Personnes.DDN) = ".$_REQUEST["Age1"]." ) and "; } */ $SQL = "SELECT * FROM personnes INNER JOIN employes ON personnes.CodeM = employes.CodeM where ".substr($sSQL, 0, strlen($sSQL) - 4)." "; header("Content-type: application/x-msdownload"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=Employes.xls"); ?>
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