GRR is a PHP/MySql application under GPL licence, adapted from MRBS.
To obtain information about GRR, go to the site: "; $vocab["msg_login3"] = "The site is momentarily inaccessible. We apologize for any inconvenience!"; $vocab["autor_contact"] = "Contact author"; $vocab["pwd"] = "Password"; $vocab["identification"] = "Identification"; $vocab["wrong_pwd"] = "Incorrect login-name or password"; $vocab["grr_version"] = "GRR Version "; $vocab["importation_impossible"] = " Correct identification but the importation of the ldap profile is impossible. Please, contatc the GRR administrator"; $vocab["echec_connexion_GRR"] = "GRR connection failed."; $vocab["causes_possibles"] = "Possibles causes:"; $vocab["echec_authentification_ldap"] = "Ldap authentification failed"; $vocab["authentification_CAS"] = "Authenticate into Central Authentification Service"; # Used in logout.php $vocab["msg_logout1"] = "You have closed your GRR session."; $vocab["msg_logout2"] = "Your GRR session has expired, or you have been disconnected,
or you were not connected."; $vocab["msg_logout3"] = "Open a session"; # Used in $vocab["welcome"] = "Homepage"; $vocab["welcome_to"] = "Welcome "; $vocab["mrbs"] = "GRR (Gestion et Reservation de Ressources - Management and Reservation of Resources) "; $vocab["report"] = "Report"; $vocab["admin"] = "Management"; $vocab["help"] = "Help"; $vocab["not_php3"] = "

CAUTION: This application may not be operating correctly with PHP3

"; $vocab["connect"] = "Connect"; $vocab["disconnect"] = "Disconnect"; $vocab["manage_my_account"] = "Manage my account"; $vocab["technical_contact"] = "Contact technical support"; $vocab["administrator_contact"] = "Contact administrator"; $vocab["subject_mail1"] = "GRR: notice "; $vocab["subject_mail_creation"] = " - New reservation"; $vocab["subject_mail_modify"] = " - Modifying a reservation"; $vocab["subject_mail_delete"] = " - Deleting a reservation"; $vocab["title_mail"] = "Automatic message emitted by GRR site: "; $vocab["the_user"] = "The user "; $vocab["creation_booking"] = " has reserved "; $vocab["modify_booking"] = " has modified the reservation of "; $vocab["delete_booking"] = " has deleted the reservation of "; $vocab["the_room"] = "the resource: "; $vocab["start_of_the_booking"] = "Reservation will start: "; $vocab["msg_no_email"] = "If you no longer wish to get these automatic mails, write to GRR manager: "; $vocab["created_by"] = " made by "; $vocab["created_by_you"] = " that you had made."; $vocab["title_mail_creation"] = "A reservation on GRR has been saved:\n"; $vocab["title_mail_modify"] = "A reservation on GRR has been modified:\n"; $vocab["title_mail_delete"] = "A reservation on GRR has been deleted:\n"; $vocab["user_name"] = "User's name and first name:"; $vocab["email"] = "User's E-mail address:"; $vocab["tentative_reservation_ressource_indisponible"] = "PROBLEM: You tried to reserve a temporarily unavailable resource!"; # Used in day.php $vocab["bookingsfor"] = "Reservation for
"; $vocab["bookingsforpost"] = ""; $vocab["areas"] = "Areas: "; $vocab["daybefore"] = "Go to previous day"; $vocab["dayafter"] = "Go to following day"; $vocab["gototoday"] = "Today"; $vocab["goto"] = " Display"; $vocab["number_max"] = " person max."; $vocab["number_max2"] = " people max."; $vocab["one_connected"] = " connected person"; $vocab["several_connected"] = " connected people"; $vocab["week"] = "Week"; $vocab["month"] = "Month"; $vocab["ressource_temporairement_indisponible"] = "Temporarily unavailable"; $vocab["fiche_ressource"] = "Présentation card of the ressource"; $vocab["Configurer la ressource"] = "Configure the resource"; # Used in $vocab["viewday"] = "View day"; $vocab["viewweek"] = "View week"; $vocab["viewmonth"] = "View month"; $vocab["ppreview"] = "Printable version"; # Used in edit_entry.php $vocab["addentry"] = "Add a reservation"; $vocab["editentry"] = "Modify a reservation"; $vocab["editseries"] = "Modify a periodicity"; $vocab["namebooker"] = "Short description:"; $vocab["fulldescription"] = "Full description:
  (number of people,
   etc.)"; $vocab["date"] = "Date:"; $vocab["start_date"] = "Beginning date:"; $vocab["end_date"] = "End date:"; $vocab["time"] = "Time:"; $vocab["duration"] = "Duration:"; $vocab["seconds"] = "second (s)"; $vocab["minutes"] = "minute (s)"; $vocab["hours"] = "hour (s)"; $vocab["days"] = "day (s)"; $vocab["weeks"] = "week (s)"; $vocab["years"] = "years"; $vocab["all_day"] = "Full day"; $vocab["type"] = "Type:"; $vocab["save"] = "Save"; $vocab["rep_type"] = "Type of periodicity:"; $vocab["rep_type_0"] = "None"; $vocab["rep_type_1"] = "Every day"; $vocab["rep_type_2"] = "Every week"; $vocab["rep_type_3"] = "Every month, the same date"; $vocab["rep_type_4"] = "Every year, the same date"; $vocab["rep_type_5"] = "Every month, same day of the week"; $vocab["rep_type_6"] = "every n week"; $vocab["rep_end_date"] = "Periodicity end date:"; $vocab["rep_rep_day"] = "Day:"; $vocab["rep_for_weekly"] = "(for n-weeks)"; $vocab["rep_freq"] = "Frequency:"; $vocab["rep_num_weeks"] = "Week interval"; $vocab["rep_for_nweekly"] = "(for n-weeks)"; $vocab["ctrl_click"] = "CTRL + mouse click to select more than one resource"; $vocab["entryid"] = "Reservation No. "; $vocab["repeat_id"] = "periodicity No. "; $vocab["you_have_not_entered"] = "You have not entered "; $vocab["valid_time_of_day"] = "a valid time."; $vocab["brief_description"] = "the short description."; $vocab["useful_n-weekly_value"] = "a valid week interval."; $vocab["no_compatibility_with_repeat_type"] = "The type of periodicity you have selected is not compatible with the choice: day (for n-weeks)."; $vocab["no_compatibility_n-weekly_value"] = "You cannot define a week interval if you choose this type of periodicity."; $vocab["message_records"] = "The modifications have been saved!"; $vocab["click_here_for_series_open"] = ">>>Click here to open the options of periodicity<<<"; $vocab["click_here_for_series_close"] = ">>>Click here to close the options of periodicity<<<"; $vocab["choose_a_type"] = "You must choose a type of reservation."; $vocab["every week"] = "every week"; $vocab["week 1/2 "] = "one week on two"; $vocab["week 1/3"] = "one week on three"; $vocab["week 1/4"] = "one week on for"; $vocab["week 1/5"] = "one week on five"; $vocab["choose"] = "(choose)"; $vocab["signaler_reservation_en_cours"] = "Indicate that the reservation is in hand (reserved to the resource adminitrators)"; $vocab["reservation_en_cours"] = "Reservation in hand."; $vocab["une_seule_reservation_en_cours"] = "Remark: for a resource, only one reservation can be announced \"in hand\"."; # Used in view_entry.php $vocab["description"] = "Description:"; $vocab["room"] = "Resource:"; $vocab["createdby"] = "Created by:"; $vocab["lastupdate"] = "Latest update:"; $vocab["deleteentry"] = "Delete a reservation"; $vocab["deleteseries"] = "Delete a periodicity"; $vocab["confirmdel"] = "Are you sure\\nyou want to delete\\nthis reservation?\\n\\n"; $vocab["returnprev"] = "Back to previous page"; $vocab["invalid_entry_id"] = "Invalid reservation number"; # Used in edit_entry_handler.php $vocab["error"] = "Error"; $vocab["sched_conflict"] = "Incompatibility between reservations "; $vocab["conflict"] = "The new reservation is incompatible with the following reservation(s):"; $vocab["too_may_entrys"] = "Selected options will create too many reservations.
Choose other options!"; $vocab["returncal"] = "Return to calendar view"; $vocab["failed_to_acquire"] = "Error, exclusive access to database is impossible"; $vocab["booking_in_past"] = "Reservation prior to today's date"; $vocab["booking_in_past_explain"] = "The start date of the new reservation is already passed. Choose an start date posterior to today's date:"; $vocab["booking_in_past_explain_with_periodicity"] = "One or more reservations pose problem because they are located in the past.
Please choose end of reservation dates which are posterior at the current date:"; # Authentication stuff $vocab["accessdenied"] = "Access denied"; $vocab["norights"] = "You don't have the required rights to carry on this operation."; $vocab["nobookings"] = "No reservation available for this date!"; $vocab["msg_max_booking"] = "For each user, this resource cannot be reserved more than:"; $vocab["accessdeniedtoomanybooking"] = "Access denied: Your reservation request has been rejected as it would be above the number of authorized reservations!"; # Used in search.php $vocab["invalid_search"] = "Invalid search."; $vocab["search_results"] = "Search results for:"; $vocab["nothing_found"] = "No reservation found."; $vocab["records"] = "Saving"; $vocab["through"] = " to "; $vocab["of"] = " on "; $vocab["previous"] = "Previous"; $vocab["next"] = "Next"; $vocab["entry"] = "Reservation"; $vocab["view"] = "View"; $vocab["advanced_search"] = "Advanced search"; $vocab["search_button"] = "Search"; $vocab["search_for"] = "Search"; $vocab["from"] = "from"; $vocab["dans les champs suivants : "] = "In the following fields: "; # Used in report.php $vocab["report_on"] = "Reservation report:"; $vocab["report_start"] = "Report beginning date:"; $vocab["report_end"] = "Report end date:"; $vocab["match_area"] = "Area:"; $vocab["match_room"] = "Resource:"; $vocab["match_entry"] = "Short description:"; $vocab["match_descr"] = "Full description"; $vocab["include"] = "Include:"; $vocab["report_only"] = "report only"; $vocab["summary_only"] = "summary only"; $vocab["report_and_summary"] = "report and summary"; $vocab["summarize_by"] = "Summarized by:"; $vocab["sum_by_descrip"] = "Short description"; $vocab["sum_by_creator"] = "Creator"; $vocab["entry_found"] = "reservation found"; $vocab["entries_found"] = "reservations found"; $vocab["summary_header"] = "Detailed account of reserved hours"; $vocab["total"] = "Total"; $vocab["submitquery"] = "Display report"; $vocab["match_login"] = "Creator (login)"; $vocab["csv"] = "Download the CSV file"; $vocab["indexcsv"] = "CSV files of report of the reservations"; $vocab["dlresumecsv"] = ">>>Download the CSV of the summary<<<"; $vocab["dlrapportcsv"] = ">>>Download the CSV of the report<<<"; # Used in week.php $vocab["weekbefore"] = "View previous week"; $vocab["weekafter"] = "View following week"; $vocab["allday"] = "Day"; # Used in week_all.php $vocab["all_rooms"] = "All resources"; # Used in month.php $vocab["monthbefore"] = "View previous month"; $vocab["monthafter"] = "View following month"; # Used in month_all.php $vocab["all_areas"] = "All reservations"; # Used in {day week month}.php $vocab["no_rooms_for_area"] = "No resource defined in this area."; # Used in admin_room.php $vocab["edit"] = "Modify"; $vocab["delete"] = "Delete"; $vocab["rooms"] = "Resources"; $vocab["in"] = "in:"; $vocab["noareas"] = "No area"; $vocab["addarea"] = "Add an area"; $vocab["name"] = "Name"; $vocab["noarea"] = "Select an area first."; $vocab["addroom"] = "Add a resource"; $vocab["capacity"] = "Maximum number of people allowed in the room (0 if it is not a room)"; $vocab["norooms"] = "No resource created for this area."; $vocab['access'] = "Restricted access"; # Used in admin_edit_room.php $vocab["editarea"] = "Modify area"; $vocab["editroom"] = "Modify resource"; $vocab["update_room_failed"] = "Update of resource has failed:"; $vocab["error_room"] = "Error: resource "; $vocab["not_found"] = " not found"; $vocab["update_area_failed"] = "Update of area has failed: "; $vocab["error_area"] = "Error: area "; $vocab["order_display"] = "Display order"; $vocab["max_booking"] = "Max.number of reservations authorized for each user (-1 if no restriction)"; $vocab["explain_max_booking"] = "Restriction does not apply to potential administrators of resource."; $vocab["declarer_ressource_indisponible"] = "Declare this ressource temporarily unavailable. The reservations are then mpossible."; $vocab["montrer_fiche_présentation_ressource"] = "make visible the presentation card of the resource in the public interface."; $vocab["choisir_image_ressource"] = "Choose an image of the resource for presentation card (png, jpg and gif only)"; $vocab["supprimer_image_ressource"] = "Remove the current image of the resource."; $vocab["description complète"] = "Full description (visible in the presentation card) - You can use HTML markers"; $vocab['ip_adr'] = "Client's IP adress"; $vocab['ip_adr_explain'] = "Notice :
If client's address IP is identical at this address, this field becomes the field by default.
That supposes in addition that:
1) the administrator did not define a field by default in the page of general configuration,
2) the user did not define a field by default in its account's management page"; # Used in admin_room_del.php $vocab["deletefollowing"] = "You are going to delete the following reservations"; $vocab["sure"] = "Are you sure?"; $vocab["YES"] = "YES"; $vocab["NO"] = "NO"; $vocab["delarea"] = "You have to delete all the resources of this area before being able to delete it

"; # Used in help.php $vocab["about_mrbs"] = "About GRR (Gestion et Reservation de Ressources - Management and Reservation of Resources)"; $vocab["database"] = "Database: "; $vocab["system"] = "Operating system:"; $vocab["please_contact"] = "Contact "; $vocab["for_any_questions"] = "if you have a query which is not answered here."; # Used in AND $vocab["failed_connect_db"] = "Serious error: Database connection failure"; # Used in admin_room.php $vocab["admin_room.php"] = "Areas and resources"; $vocab["admin_user.php"] = "Users"; $vocab["admin_right.php"] = "Management of resources by users"; $vocab["admin_right_admin.php"] = "Administration of areas by users"; $vocab["admin_access_area.php"] = "Restricted access to areas"; $vocab["admin_email_manager.php"] = "Automatic mails"; $vocab["admin_config.php"] = "General configuration"; $vocab["config_calendar.php"] = "Calendar configuration"; # Used in admin_right_admin.php $vocab["admin_right_admin_explain"] = "In more of his normal rights, the administrator of a field has the possibility of entirely managing a field: creation, suppression, modification of a resource, addition and removal of managers of the reservations, management of the automatic emails."; $vocab["administration_domaine"] = "Administration of areas:"; $vocab["no_admin_this_area"] = "Currently nobody, except the administrators, is authorized to manage the field opposite!"; $vocab["user_admin_area_list"] = "People authorized to manage the field opposite (except the administrators):"; # Used in admin_right.php $vocab["select"] = "(Select)"; $vocab["select_all"] = "(all)"; $vocab["no_area"] = "No area selected."; $vocab["no_restricted_area"] = "No area with restricted access defined."; $vocab["administration1"] = "Management of resource:"; $vocab["administration2"] = "Management of the following resources:"; $vocab["user_list"] = "List of the people authorized to manage the following resource(s) (apart from administrators):"; $vocab["add_user_to_list"] = "Add a user to the list:"; $vocab["no_admin"] = "Nobody -except administrators- is currently authorized to manage the following resource!"; $vocab["no_admin_all"] = "Nobody -except administrators- is currently authorized to manage the following set of resources!"; $vocab["warning_exist"] = "The user you have tried to add is already on the list!"; $vocab["nobody"] = "(none)"; $vocab["admin_right_explain"] = "In addition to their normal rights, the administrator of a resource is authorized to modify or delete any reservation of this resource. Moreover restrictions related to maximum number of reservations can't apply."; # Used in admin_access_area.php $vocab["user_area_list"] = "List of the people authorized to access this area (apart from administrators):"; $vocab["no_user_area"] = "Nobody -except administrators- is currently authorized to access this area!"; # Used in admin_email_manager.php $vocab["no_room"] = "No resource selected in this area."; $vocab["mail_user_list"] = "List of users to be informed by email:"; $vocab["no_mail_user_list"] = "There is no user on the list at the moment!"; $vocab["explain_automatic_mail2"] = "Besides, when a user reserves a resource, modifies or deletes a reservation, some users may be informed by e-mail. For each resource, you can select one or several users who will be informed of the change:"; $vocab["explain_automatic_mail3"] = "When a user modifies or deletes a reservation made by another user, the latter (provided e-mail field has been completed) is automatically informed by e-mail."; $vocab["add_user_succeed"] = "A user has been added to the list."; $vocab["del_user_succeed"] = "A user has been deleted from the list."; $vocab["attention_mail_automatique_désactive"] = "CAUTION: the sending of automatic mails is currently disabled. To activate it, go in the general control panel."; # Used in admin_user_modify.php $vocab["admin_user_modify_create.php"] = "Adding a new user"; $vocab["admin_user_modify_modify.php"] = "Modifying an existing user"; $vocab["please_enter_name"] = "Please enter user's name and first name!"; $vocab["error_exist_login"] = "*** Caution! A user with the same login-name is already on the list. Registration is impossible! ***"; $vocab["msg_login_created"] = "You have created a new user. By default,this user is considered active."; $vocab["msg_login_created_error"] = "A problem has occurred when creating a new user! Please contact technical support!"; $vocab["message_records_error"] = "An error has occurred when saving data"; $vocab["only_letters_and_numbers"] = "Login-name is to consist of letters and numbers only!"; $vocab["change_pwd"] = "Change password"; $vocab["activ_no_activ"] = "State"; $vocab["activ_user"] = "Active"; $vocab["no_activ_user"] = "Non active"; $vocab["required"] = "Fields labelled with * are compulsory."; $vocab["statut_user"] = "User"; $vocab["statut_visitor"] = "Visitor"; $vocab["statut_administrator"] = "Administrator"; $vocab["mail_user"] = "Email"; $vocab["pwd_toot_short"] = "Password (".$pass_leng." characters minimum)"; $vocab["confirm_pwd"] = "Password (to be confirmed)"; $vocab["Changer_source_utilisateur_local"] = "Check so that the authentification is local (irréversible action). Make the external authentification (ldap or CAS) definitively impossible."; # Used in admin_user.php $vocab["display_add_user"] = "Add a user"; $vocab["display_add_user_list_csv"] = "Import a user file into GRR (CSV format)"; $vocab["display_all_user.php"] = "Display: all users"; $vocab["display_user_on.php"] = "active users"; $vocab["display_user_off.php"] = "inactive users"; $vocab["OK"] = "Validate"; $vocab["statut"] = "Status"; $vocab["login_name"] = "Login-name"; $vocab["names"] = "Name and first name"; $vocab["authentification"] = "Authentification:"; $vocab["Externe"] = "External"; # Used in admin_config.php $vocab["title_disable_login"] = "Activation/disabling of connections"; $vocab["explain_disable_login"] = "When connections are disabled, users -apart from administrators- can no longer connect to the site. Moreover, users currently connected will be automatically disconnected.
Nevertheless, if connection is not obligatory for the access to the site in visualization, this access remains possible."; $vocab["disable_login_on"] = "Disable connections"; $vocab["disable_login_off"] = "Activate connections"; $vocab["submit"] = "Send"; $vocab["miscellaneous"] = "Miscellanious information"; $vocab["title_home_page"] = "Headline of connecting page"; $vocab["message_home_page"] = "Warning message of connecting page"; $vocab["company"] = "Name of the company/school"; $vocab["webmaster_name"] = "Name and first name of the site manager"; $vocab["webmaster_email"] = "Email address of the site manager"; $vocab["technical_support_email"] = "Email address of technical support"; $vocab["grr_url"] = "Site address"; $vocab["title_session_max_length"] = "Duration of a session"; $vocab["session_max_length"] = "Maximum duration of inactivity (in minute):"; $vocab["explain_session_max_length"] = "This duration indicates the maximum time of inactivity at the end of which a user is automatically disconnected."; $vocab["title_automatic_mail"] = "Sending of automatic mails"; $vocab["warning_message_mail"] = "Some hosts disable the sending of automatic mails from their servers. In such case the following funtionality will not operate."; $vocab["explain_automatic_mail"] = "When a user modifies or deletes a reservation made by another user, the latter (provided the email field has been completed) is automatically informed by an email.
When a user reserves a resource, modifies or deletes a reservation, some users appointed by the administrator (in the automatic email field)can be informed by email. Do you wish to use this option?"; $vocab["mail_admin_on"] = "Inform users by email"; $vocab["mail_admin_off"] = "Not inform users by email"; $vocab["title_backup"] = "Back-up GRR database"; $vocab["explain_backup"] = "Creation of a complete backup file of GRR database.In case of a problem on GRR database, use a tool such as PHPMYADMIN to restore database."; $vocab["warning_message_backup"] = "If a message like \"Maximum execution time exceeded\" appears a few moments after starting saving, this means that saving has failed!"; $vocab["submit_backup"] = "Start saving"; $vocab["title_begin_end_bookings"] = "Start and end of reservations"; $vocab["begin_bookings"] = "Reservation start date: "; $vocab["begin_bookings_explain"] = "No reservation available before this date. Moreover reservations already made before this date will be deleted from database."; $vocab["end_bookings"] = "Reservation end date: "; $vocab["end_bookings_explain"] = "No reservation available after this date. Moreover reservations already made after this date will be deleted from database. "; $vocab["default_parameter_values_title"] = "Choice of display parameters by default"; $vocab["default_room_all"] = "All resources (display 'day')"; $vocab["display_week"] = "(display 'week')"; $vocab["default_area"] = "Area by default: "; $vocab["default_room"] = "Displayed resource(s): "; $vocab["choose_an_area"] = "(Choose an area)"; $vocab["explain_default_parameter"] = "From this rubric, select the display by default of the homepage. These are the parameters which will be applied if users themselves have not selected display parameters by default."; $vocab["restricted"] = "restricted"; $vocab["explain_area_list_format"] = "Type of display for lists of areas and resources"; $vocab["liste_area_list_format"] = "Display as an arborescence"; $vocab["select_area_list_format"] = "Display as a scrolling list"; $vocab["explain_default_area_and_room"] = "Area and resource by default"; $vocab["explain_css"] = "Select style/theme"; $vocab["choose_css"] = "Select from the following list: "; $vocab["reset"] = "Values by default"; $vocab["choose_language"] = "Choice of the default language"; # Used in admin_change_pwd.php.php $vocab["passwd_error"] = "An error occurred when entering password, please do it again!"; $vocab["update_pwd_failed"] = "Error when updating password!"; $vocab["update_pwd_succeed"] = "Password has been changed!"; $vocab["back"] = "Back"; $vocab["pwd_change"] = "Changing password"; $vocab["login"] = "Login-name"; $vocab["last_name"] = "Name"; $vocab["first_name"] = "First name"; $vocab["pwd_msg_warning"] = "Caution: password is to consist of ".$pass_leng." minimum characters (letters, figures, ...). It is highly recommended not to choose a too simple password."; $vocab["new_pwd1"] = "New password (minimum ".$pass_leng." characters)"; $vocab["new_pwd2"] = "New password (to be confirmed)"; $vocab["pwd_msg_warning2"] = "For safety reasons, please use module accessible from homepage \"Managing my account\" if you wish to change your password!"; # Used in my_account.php $vocab["wrong_pwd2"] = "An error occurred when entering password, please do it again!"; $vocab["wrong_old_pwd"] = "Former password is not correct!"; $vocab["update_email_succeed"] = "Email address has been modified!"; $vocab["old_pwd"] = "Former password"; $vocab["click_here_to_modify_pwd"] = ">>>Click here to modify your password<<<"; # Used in admin_import_users_csv.php $vocab["admin_import_users_csv0"] = "CSV file to be imported: "; $vocab["admin_import_users_csv1"] = "The file to be imported includes a heading line which is to be ignored"; $vocab["admin_import_users_csv2"] = "

Imported file is to be in CSV format (delimiter: semicolon)
File is to contain the following fields:
--> Login: login-name
--> Name
--> First name
--> Password
--> Email address (optional)
"; $vocab["admin_import_users_csv3"] = "


20 characters maximum. They can be any series of characters and/or figures without space. The character _ is also authorized. In case this format has not been respected, the following series of characters ??? appears instead of login-name. Login-names appearing in red correspond to login-names which already exist on GRR database. Existing data will then be crashed by the data which are on the imported file!

User's name. 30 characters maximum. They can be any series of characters and/or figures with spaces and apostrophes.

First name
User's first name. It works in the same way as the name. Names and first names appearing in blue correspond to users who already exist in GRR database and bear the same names and first names.

".$pass_leng." characters minimum and 30 characters maximum.

Email address
100 characters maximum.

"; $vocab["admin_import_users_csv4"] = "File CSV can't be opened"; $vocab["admin_import_users_csv5"] = "First phase of importation: "; $vocab["admin_import_users_csv6"] = "entries detected!"; $vocab["admin_import_users_csv7"] = "

WARNING: Login-names which appear in red correspond to login-names already existing in GRR database. Existing data will be crashed by the data contained in the imported file!

"; $vocab["admin_import_users_csv8"] = "

CAUTION: names and first names which appear in blue correspond to users already existing in GRR database and bearing the same names and first names.

"; $vocab["admin_import_users_csv9"] = "

WARNING: symbols ??? signify that the field is not valid. The process of importing data cannot go on normally. Please correct the file before importing it.

"; $vocab["admin_import_users_csv10"] = "Importing process has failed!"; $vocab["admin_import_users_csv11"] = "No file selected!"; $vocab["admin_import_users_csv12"] = "User created!"; # Used in admin_calend.php $vocab["check_all_the"] = "Click to select all "; $vocab["uncheck_all_the"] = "Click to cancel selections of "; $vocab["uncheck_all_"] = "Click to cancel all selections"; # Used in admin_confirm_change_date_bookings.php $vocab["cancel"] = "Cancel"; $vocab["admin_confirm_change_date_bookings.php"] = "Confirm changes in reservation start and end dates"; $vocab["msg_del_bookings"] = "Caution, the changes in reservation start and end dates that you have made are going to trigger definite deleting of reservations already made outside the new authorized dates!

Are you sure you want to go on?"; # Used in admin_view_connexions.php $vocab["admin_view_connexions.php"] = "Connection monitoring"; $vocab["users_connected"] = "Users currently connected"; $vocab["sen_a_mail"] = "Send an e-mail"; $vocab["deconnect_changing_pwd"] = "Disconnect through changing password"; $vocab["log"] = "Record of connections since "; $vocab["msg_explain_log"] = "Dates displayed in red represent users automatically disconnected after a too long delay of inactivity.
Lines displayed in green represent users currently connected."; $vocab["begining_of_session"] = "Beginning of session"; $vocab["end_of_session"] = "End of session"; $vocab["ip_adress"] = "IP address"; $vocab["navigator"] = "Browser"; $vocab["referer"] = "Origin"; $vocab["start_history"] = "Beginning of history"; $vocab["erase_log"] = "Record entries prior to the following date will be deleted."; $vocab["cleaning_log"] = "Record clearing"; $vocab["logs_number"] = "Number of entries currently present in the connection record: "; $vocab["older_date_log"] = "Record currently contains the history of connections since "; $vocab["delete_up_to"] = "Delete until"; # Used for functions.js $vocab["confirm_del"] = "Confirm deleting of "; # Used in $vocab["see_month_for_this_room"] = "View month reservations for this resource"; $vocab["see_week_for_this_room"] = "View week reservations for this resource"; $vocab["see_all_the_rooms_for_the_day"] = "View all resources in this area for this day"; $vocab["see_all_the_rooms_for_the_month"] = "View month reservations for all resources"; $vocab["see_week_for_this_area"] = "View week reservations for all the resources"; # Used in $vocab["admin_maj.php"] = "Version number and update"; $vocab["num_version_title"] = "GRR version number"; $vocab["num_version"] = "Version number: GRR"; $vocab["maj_bdd"] = "Update of database (Administrator access)"; $vocab["maj_bdd_not_update"] = "CAUTION:your database does not seem to have been updated."; $vocab["maj_version_bdd"] = "Database version number: GRR"; $vocab["maj_do_update"] = "Click on the following button to update towards GRR version"; $vocab["maj_submit_update"] = "Update"; $vocab["maj_no_update_to_do"] = "Database needn't be updated."; $vocab["maj_go_www"] = "Go to GRR website to know the latest version: "; $vocab["maj_good"] = "Update carried out. (read attentively the result of the update, in bottom of the page)"; $vocab["please_go_to_admin_maj.php"] = "It is highly recommended to update your database by going to Management part."; # Used in $vocab["capacity_2"] = "Capacity: "; $vocab["Pas d'image disponible"] = "No image available"; $vocab["Image de la ressource"] = "Image of the ressource"; # Used in csv.php $vocab["enrecherchant"] = "seeking:"; ?>