******************************************************************** D R U P A L M O D U L E ******************************************************************** Name: Actions Module Author: John VanDyk Drupal: 4.7 ******************************************************************** DESCRIPTION: This module allows you to configure actions for use by other Drupal modules. For example, you can create an action that sends an email message to someone. Another Drupal module may then execute that action. If you are familiar with object-oriented programming, the actions that you create with the action module are like object instances. Singleton actions are also possible. ******************************************************************** INSTALLATION: 1. Place the entire actions directory into your Drupal modules/ directory. 2. Enable the action module by navigating to: administer > modules 3. If you want anyone besides the administrative user to be able to configure actions (usually a bad idea), they must be given the "administer actions" access permission: administer > users > configure > permissions When the module is enabled and the user has the "administer actions" permission, an "actions" menu should appear in the menu system. ******************************************************************** NOTES: The workflow module is an example of a module that works together with the actions module. To see how actions are written, see actions.inc. If you get an error that looks like "user error: Table 'drupal.actions' doesn't exist" when you go to admin/action, it means the database tables have not been installed. ******************************************************************** TO DO: Implement a Test operation so the user can test that the action actually works.