25. May 2005 ----------------- [Aaron Welch] - add ical export support, ical.inc is now in the event directory. thanks to rorris - cleanup rss and ical feed routines - add filter functions for individual and groups of nodes 23. May 2005 ----------------- [Aaron Welch] - daylight savings time support added - database change, please run update-event.php - db field name changes - display using event timezone, user timezone, or site timezone - node access sql fix by thehunmonkgroup - empty upcoming event block patch by Cvbge - add setting for upcoming event block limit - event_type url construction bug fix by luksedj - add event/dst to view daylight savings time region status 15. April 2005 ----------------- [Aaron Welch] - Update for drupal 4.6 - Removed event node type and replace with nodeapi model - Add month, week, day and table views - Rework timezone handling - Support for start and end dates - Moved all output rendering to event.theme file - Add filtering of event views by content type and taxonomy - Update event.css file for new views - General navigation and calendar block updates - Update settings for default event page view type and timezone handling 09. November 2003 ----------------- [Kjartan Mannes] - Fixed bugs due to Drupal menu callback changes. - Fixed default event page to show future events instead of calendar. - Added advanced event search form. Only extra fields in their own database field are searchable. 27. October 2003 ---------------- [Kjartan Mannes] - Fixed events on the last day of the month not showing in the calendar. - Fixed event start date to compensate for bug in format_date(). 26. October 2003 ---------------- [Gerhard Killesreiter] - re-added search function, extrafields with extra db fields will by searched - moved extra fields to fields.inc 26. October 2003 ---------------- [Kjartan Mannes] - Fixed week day names not being translated. - Changed #calendar to .event-calendar. - Changed to form_allowed_tags_text() instead of replicating code. - Added support for modules/event/fields.inc for extra fields. - Changed calendar breadcrumbs to use month name instead of number. - Fixed wrong number of parameters passed to event_calendar in block. 26. October 2003 ---------------- [Kjartan Mannes] - Refactored the extra fields to not require an extra database field by storing extra fields in a data field (requires MySQL update). - Improved timezone handling. - Improved calendar. - Removed "date picker". - Renamed posting permission to 'maintain events' to be more consistent with other modules. - Removed 'access events' and 'administer events' permissions. - Added support for user updating of events. - Removed dead code, cleaned up other code, no stone left unturned. - Added event.css to style calendar and other output. - Updated INSTALL and TODO. 18. October 2003 ---------------- event.module [Moshe Weitzman] - updated for new help and menu and content hooks - able to add custom fields by editing top of source file - refactored event_page() enabling easier code re-use - removed some cruft from event_access() - no error when taxonomy is disabled - refactored 'view' to use simple list of fields. 12. October 2003 ---------------- event.module [Moshe Weitzman] - now showing current month's nodes on main page when no other date was specified. - added paging to this display. - refactored event_page() enabling easier code re-use 13. June 2003 ------------- Major overhaul by Craig Courtney WARNING: This breaks compatibility with all prior versions of event.module! - removed image stuff - removed parent stuff - made more css and theme friendly - ... 23. September 2002 ------------------ event.module [Gerhard Killesreiter] - changed "post content" to "post events" - changed "access content" to "access events" 6. September 2002 ----------------- event.module [Gerhard Killesreiter] - applied patch by Robin Elfrink 01. June 2002 ------------- event.module [Kjartan Mannes] - updated module to 4.0.0. 08. Feburary 2002 ----------------- event.module [Kjartan Mannes] - fixed parent nodes showing up as sub events on node preview. 30. October 2001 ---------------- event.module [Gerhard Killesreiter] - fixed the time selector - fixed SQL-query 29. October 2001 ---------------- event.module [Gerhard Killesreiter] - added search - made block-calendar more configurable - choose first dayof week to be monday or sunday - display days with events with configurable colour - display today's date with another configurable colour - small changes 24. October 2001 ---------------- event.module [Gerhard Killesreiter] - added missing user_access() check. - fixed calender. 22. October 2001 ---------------- event.module [Kjartan Mannes] - fixed a problem with meta collections when editing a node. event.mysql [Kjartan Mannes] - fixed a problem with the SQL definitions reported by Alexander. 19. October 2001 ---------------- - initial release.