//this module is currently in beta release. Eventrepeat enables the creation of repeating events for node types that are event-enabled. Eventrepeat's pattern creation was largely modeled on the iCal RRULE specification. At this time, it should support all RRULE parameters, with the following exceptions: 1. Recurrance periods less than DAILY 2. BYDAY declarations greater than 5 and less than -5 (ex. 20th Monday of the year is not supported). Other similar patterns can be built that should approximate this functionality. 3. BYSETPOS parameter For installation instructions, see INSTALL.txt in this folder For more information on how to create repeat sequences, visit adiminister->help->eventrepeat after module installation. The following is a wish list for ugrades to this module. If you'd be interested in providing financial sponsorship for any of these features, please email thehunmonkgroup@yahoo.com // TODO's // 2. add ical support