simplenews.module INSTALL.txt Requirements ------------ - Drupal 4.6.0 or higher - Taxonomy module should be enabled - For large mailing lists, cron is required Installation ------------ - Create a new directory "simplenews" in your "modules" directory - Copy the following files to this directory: simplenews.install simplenews.module simplenews.css activeMailLib.php sn_term.png sn_cron.png sn_saved.png sn_sent.png - Enable the module by navigating to administer -> modules - Grant the proper access to user accounts under administer -> access control (most important setting is "access newsletters" for all roles, including "anonymous user" if you want links to be displayed in the simplenews block to everyone) - Enable the simplenews block by navigating to administer -> blocks - Configure simplenews by navigating to administer -> newsletters -> settings