Update instructions to update Simplenews v and v 1.6 or older. Notes before you start * This applies to versions (4-6) and 1.6 (HEAD) or older. Updating is highly recommended, as several critical bugs have been fixed * If you have several newsletters at the moment, updating will subscribe all your current addresses to all available newsletters: exactly as it is right now. Your subscribers will be able to change their subscriptions later. * One side-effect of updating: people that have subscribed as anonymous users, but have not yet confirmed their subsription, will be subscribed to all newsletters, but they will be inactive, and their confirmation link will not work anymore! It is therefore advised that, before updating, you export all inactive users, and manually activate them after the update. Or you could send them a mail that they need to use the subscription form again, but in that case, you should delete them first from the subscription table, otherwise it won't work. Nasty thing, but that's the way it is... Update instructions * disable the simplenews block on your site * prevent anyone from using simplenews.module (i.e. create newsletter, administer simplenews, ...) * upload simplenews.module and style.css * upload update-simplenews.php to the root folder of your Drupal installation * navigate to http://yourdomain/update-simplenews.php * go to your homepage * you may need to refresh (CTRL+R) for the new stylesheet to work