// $Id: CHANGELOG.txt,v 1.3 2006/06/09 00:15:01 eaton Exp $ 02/11/06 -------- First stab at Views integration with VotingAPI. Configuring it is a little ugly -- mainly useful for custom modules that want to expose a vote-based default_view without coding all the table/field/filter stuff for Views. 04/21/06 -------- Expose public votingapi_add_vote and votingapi_delete_vote functions to allow modules to override normal behavior. This makes it possible to implement anonymous voting, though future explicit support is coming. 04/22/06 -------- There is now a working infrastructure for modules to expose their own 'voting actions' without requiring user customization. 04/23/06 -------- Major enhancements to the actions subsystem, the addition of an experimental widgets library, and the (beginnings) of major enhancements to views integration. Using the latest CVS version of Views.module, it's now possible to display a particular vote result (say, the number of people who've voted) without using esoteric combinations of filters. 04/29/06 -------- A new setting has been introduced -- vote result calculation can be deferred until cron-time. This can be useful on heavy-load sites where MANY votes are being cast and complex, db-intensive calculations are used to weight the results. 05/01/06 -------- The action loading and caching infrastructure has been made much more robust, and CRUD functions are in place for reading and writing actions. voting_actions.module has now been added to facilitate direct user manipulation of action criteria, etc. It's the part that's still heavily under development. In many installations, it'll be unecessary. The votingapi_delete_vote() function no longer automatically recalculates. Modules using it should call recalculate manually after explicitly removing a vote. Those needing a consistent, stable VotingAPI should probably still stick with the 4.7 branch. This version will be branched as soon as the issues are ironed out. 06/07/06 -------- Foundation laid for a move to discrete hooks rather than a single _votingapi function. Because each of the $ops for the function needed a wildly different set of parameters, implementing a single function was an exercise in frustration for module developers. Right now, each location that called *_votingapi() ALSO calls hook_votingapi_*(). the raw *_votingapi() function will be depricated, and likely removed from a future version.