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frei0r.h File Reference

#include <inttypes.h>

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struct  f0r_plugin_info
struct  f0r_param_color
struct  f0r_param_position
struct  f0r_param_info


#define F0R_COLOR_MODEL_BGRA8888   0
#define F0R_PARAM_BOOL   0
#define F0R_PARAM_DOUBLE   1
#define F0R_PARAM_COLOR   2
#define F0R_PARAM_POSITION   3


typedef f0r_plugin_info f0r_plugin_info_t
typedef double f0r_param_bool
typedef double f0r_param_double
typedef f0r_param_color f0r_param_color_t
typedef f0r_param_position f0r_param_position_t
typedef f0r_param_info f0r_param_info_t
typedef void * f0r_instance_t
typedef void * f0r_param_t


int f0r_init ()
void f0r_deinit ()
void f0r_get_plugin_info (f0r_plugin_info_t *info)
void f0r_get_param_info (f0r_param_info_t *info, int param_index)
f0r_instance_t f0r_construct (unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
void f0r_destruct (f0r_instance_t instance)
void f0r_set_param_value (f0r_instance_t instance, f0r_param_t param, int param_index)
void f0r_get_param_value (f0r_instance_t instance, f0r_param_t param, int param_index)
void f0r_update (f0r_instance_t instance, double time, const uint32_t *inframe, uint32_t *outframe)

Detailed Description

This is frei0r - a minimalistic plugin API for video effects.

The main emphasis is on simplicity - there are many different applications that use video effects, and they all have different requirements regarding their internal plugin API. And that's why frei0r does not try to be a one-in-all general video plugin API, but instead an API for the most common video effects: simple filters or sources that can be controlled by parameters.

It's our hope that this way these simple effects can be shared between many applications, avoiding their reimplementation by different projects.

On the other hand, this is not meant as a competing standard to more ambitious efforts that try to satisfy the needs of many different applications and more complex effects (like multiple inputs, multiple outputs, different color models, keyframing, ...).

Define Documentation

#define F0R_COLOR_MODEL_BGRA8888   0

List of supported color models - so far only BGRA8888.

#define F0R_PARAM_BOOL   0

Parameter type for boolean values

#define F0R_PARAM_COLOR   2

Parameter type for color

#define F0R_PARAM_DOUBLE   1

Parameter type for doubles

#define F0R_PARAM_POSITION   3

Parameter type for position


These defines determine whether the plugin is a filter or a source (sometimes also called generator)


These defines determine whether the plugin is a filter or a source (sometimes also called generator)


The frei0r API major version


The frei0r API minor version

Typedef Documentation

typedef double f0r_param_bool

The boolean type. The allowed range of values is [0, 1]. [0, 0.5[ is mapped to false and [0.5, 1] is mapped to true.

typedef struct f0r_param_color f0r_param_color_t

The color type. All three color components are in the range [0, 1].

typedef double f0r_param_double

The double type. The allowed range of values is [0, 1].

typedef struct f0r_param_info f0r_param_info_t

Similar to f0r_plugin_info_t, this structure is filled by the plugin for every parameter.

typedef struct f0r_param_position f0r_param_position_t

The position type. Both position coordinates are in the range [0, 1].

typedef struct f0r_plugin_info f0r_plugin_info_t

The f0r_plugin_info_t structure is filled in by the plugin to tell the application about its name, type, number of parameters, and version.

Function Documentation

f0r_instance_t f0r_construct unsigned int  width,
unsigned int  height

Constructor for effect instances. The plugin returns a pointer to its internal instance structure. The resolution has to be a multiple of 8 in both dimension.

width The x-resolution of the processed video frames
height The y-resolution of the processed video frames
0 on failure or a pointer != 0 on success

void f0r_deinit  ) 

f0r_deinit is called once when the plugin is unloaded by the application.

void f0r_destruct f0r_instance_t  instance  ) 

Destroys an effect instance.

instance The pointer to the plugins internal instance structure.

void f0r_get_param_info f0r_param_info_t info,
int  param_index

f0r_get_param_info is called by the application to query the type of each parameter.

info is allocated by the application and filled by the plugin
param_index the index of the parameter to be queried (from 0 to num_params-1)

void f0r_get_param_value f0r_instance_t  instance,
f0r_param_t  param,
int  param_index

This function allows the application to query the parameter values of an effect instance.

instance the effect instance
param pointer to the parameter value
param_index index of the parameter

void f0r_get_plugin_info f0r_plugin_info_t info  ) 

Is called once after init. The plugin has to fill in the values in info.

info Pointer to an info struct allocated by the application.

int f0r_init  ) 

f0r_init() is called once when the plugin is loaded by the application.

void f0r_set_param_value f0r_instance_t  instance,
f0r_param_t  param,
int  param_index

This function allows the application to set the parameter values of an effect instance. Validity of the parameter pointer is handled by the application thus the data must be copied.

instance the effect instance
param pointer to the parameter value
param_index index of the parameter

void f0r_update f0r_instance_t  instance,
double  time,
const uint32_t *  inframe,
uint32_t *  outframe

This is where the core effect processing happens. The application calls it after it has set the necessary parameter values. inframe and outframe data has to be aligned to a multiple of eight.

instance the effect instance
time the application time in seconds but with subsecond resolution (e.g. milli-second resolution). The resolution should be at least the inter-frame period of the application.
inframe the incoming video frame (can be zero for sources)
outframe the resulting video frame

Generated on Thu Nov 11 11:47:12 2004 for frei0r by doxygen 1.3.8